Semi Talent Forum Headshots
Last week we photographed Semi’s Talent Forum at Bristol University’s Student Union building in Clifton. Spread over two days, it’s been an eye opener into the world of semiconductors and technology. We’ve captured the ambience at the event, the speakers, the exhibits and the interactions. Who knew a Cray Supercomputer from the 70’s, weighed 5 tons, cost $8M and is less powerful than an iPhone. We learned something too!
In amongst it all, we also provided a profile photo service for anyone who wanted to update or get a professional headshot of themselves, in our dedicated studio area with professional lighting.
If you had your photograph taken and would like to download it, please click on the photo below and enter the password we gave you. If you can’t remember it, please get in touch with Stuart 07377 414 280 or send an email.
It was a very busy event. My cameras were glowing by the end. :)